The Latina/o and Mexican American Studies program is very proud to announce that two UNT students, Vanessa Ramirez and Bernardo Vargas, are the recipients of prestigious national fellowships.

Both students have been awarded a Crossing Latinidades Mellon Humanities Fellowship for the 2023-2024 academic year from the Crossing Latinidades Humanities Research Initiative. They will each be receiving a two semester and a summer term stipend totaling $30,000.

As part of the Fellowship, Vanessa and Bernardo will serve as researchers in the Mapping Everyday Mexicana/Chicana Political Organizing in the Texas and Arizona Borderlands Crossing Latinidades Humanities Research Working Group with faculty from the various members of the Alliance of Hispanic Serving Research Universities.

Please join LMAS in wishing Vanessa and Bernardo a BIG Congratualtions!
