Ricardo González-Carriedo

Associate Professor
Department of Teacher Education and Administration
Ricardo González-Carriedo

UNT Faculty Profile: https://facultyinfo.unt.edu/faculty-profile?query=Ricardo+Gonzalez-Carriedo&type=name&profile=rg0323


Dr. Ricardo González-Carriedo, Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education and Administration, University of North Texas. Dr. González-Carriedo obtained a JD degree from Universidad de León (Spain), an M.Ed. in Bilingual and ESL Education from Northern Arizona University and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Arizona State University. His research focuses on the education of language minority students, including the intersection of immigration and education, and issues related to language planning and policy. He teaches Bilingual and ESL Education methods courses in the teacher preparation program and a graduate seminar under the title The Politics of Literacy.